Reviews of the Top-ranking heelys shoes

Author:Ameenah | TIME:August 29,2018  1156

When we talk about Heelys shoes, we are generally talking about roller shoes created by Heelys, a brand of shoes with wheels. They have one or more removable wheels embedded in the soles, with which users could walk, run or roll. It is similar to inline skates, but more adaptable with removable wheels to change them into shoes. Heelys have issued thousands of Heelys shoes since its foundation. It is impossible for us to review all of them. After a general but comprehensive study, we select some of the top-ranking shoes with wheels available on Amazon, including Heelys for boys and girls.


Heelys Shoes Propel 2.0

Heelys Shoes Propel 2.0

This pair of Heelys shoes stands out from a series of shoes with wheels, recommended by Amazon. It is designed for little kids aged 4-8 and big kids aged 8-12. They are either Heelys for boys or girls with as many as 23 colors available. The vamp is made of synthetic nubuck while the sole is made of rubber, making the shoes comfortable and durable to wear. The shaft measures approximately 3" from the arch. The package comes with wheels and you have to attach them to the shoes by yourself, but not a complicated job. If you remove the wheels, it will just look like a pair of common lace-up walking shoes, featuring embroidered logo applique. However, some have complained that there are few options in size. 

Heelys Shoes

Heelys Shoes

This pair of Heelys shoes is designed for kids from 4 to 12. The wheels are hidden in the synthetic soles and could be removed so as to prevent your kids from skating in crowded streets, malls or at home. It could be an easy and quick job to take wheels out. It is made of canvas. If you remove the wheels, they will just simply look like a pair of fashionable and popular low-top sneakers featuring the lace-up vamp and striped soles. Shaft measures approximately 3" from the arch. Some say that this is mainly for boys, but you could also buy one with a smaller size for your daughter, for example,  size 7 Heelys for boys for daughter aged 8.  

Tips for Safely Wearing Heelys Shoes

Although it provides a lot of fun for children to roll about with hidden wheels in the back, Heelys shoes could also bring potential risks. Here are some useful tips to help your kids prevent injuries.

  • Wear safety gear in skate mode, including helmet, wrist guards, knee pads, and elbow pads.

  • Remove the wheels and DO NOT skate on uneven surfaces, on stairs, in the street or other crowded areas.

  • Get no matter Heelys for boys or girls, enjoy them, but DO NOT use them for daily wearing.


There are a great variety of other brands specializing in shoes with wheels, but we only recommend you Heelys shoes in this passage as Heelys is a reputable and reliable brand in roller shoes with decades of history.  


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